R.I.C.O.2 is a project funded by the Ministry of the Interior – Asylum Migration and Integration Fund – promoted in partnership with Caritas di Roma and Centro Astalli. The project targets refugees and subsidiary protection holders, both individuals and families who are leaving or have recently left shelters.

For each beneficiary, Individual Intervention Plans were programmed, based on each person’s specific needs, skills and fragilities. From this analysis, and with the invaluable support of a multidisciplinary team that follows children step by step, activities aimed at creating purpose-built pathways for accompanying them to social-work and housing autonomy have begun.

The project supports actions of socialization and territorial engagement in order to ensure integration also through moments and spaces of sharing with the territorial community.

The podcasts available on OnTheMove Radio were also produced as part of the R.I.C.O. 2.0 project.


Together we can build an open and inclusive community in which diversity is an asset and everyone can contribute to the creation of the common good.