What we did | February24
It took place in the first days of February the weekend at the Como-Chiasso border, the first experience at an Italian-Swiss border. After the moments of training, witnessing and service, each of the young people went their separate ways, cherishing the host’s wish for them to fight nonviolently for the dignity of all/all. Thanks to the parish of Rebbio and all those who inhabit the places and who welcomed them with open arms.
Also in early February in Chieri, 450 students from local high schools were involved in an intensive day of education on the topic of migration and reception. Through the experience of The Game and the viewing of the films “One day one day” by Will Media and “Io capitano” by director Matteo Garrone Official, the boys and girls were able to learn about the phenomena of human mobility and caporalato, concluding a series of workshops in schools in which they talked about migration routes, freedom of movement and integration.
Thanks to the Pick your Size, in February we met with many young high school students/students in the cities of Turin, Fidenza and Milan. These were moments of training and discussion on migration issues.
In the middle of the month the ASCS youth activists spent a weekend between Piacenza and Milan building together the proposals More bridges less walls in the footsteps of Scalabrini. The students came from all over Italy and made an initial stop in Piacenza, the city where the Scalabrinian congregation was founded, to learn more about St. John Baptist Scalabrini, a man who two hundred years ago fought to accompany migrants and for the rights of workers and the weakest. At the Museum of Emigration, they put themselves in the shoes of Italian emigrants of the past, so similar to those knocking on the doors of our Europe today. With roots in the history of the congregation that they delved into, they launched into planning for the future by planning the upcoming events of the youth animation intercultural .
The appointments of Crossover24. In Trento , we met to talk about the agreements between Italy and Albania and, more generally, the topic ofborder externalization with Rossella Vignola of Transeuropa Balkans and Caucasus Observatory. Also in Milan at the Zam center, Le Carbet’s lawyers talked with Altreconomia and ZAM about border outsourcing . At the In Search of Trouble bookstore in Milan, we talked about confinement camps, their existence and operation with Luca Rondi of Altreconomia and RiVolti ai balcani and Leon of Mediterranea Saving Humans.
With our partners, the Church of Carmel, Theatre Useful the Journey, Etnos, Aisha Project, Rainbow Association, are continuing the meetings of Remix, the experiential workshops for youth and parents with migration background. For upcoming meetings, stay updated from the following link [clicca qui]
For the first time in Milan, we shared a dinner with the volunteer(s) and recounted the various volunteer experiences active at headquarters. It was a time to get together, get to know each other, exchange ideas and look to the future.
Also in Rome, training sessions continue for those who volunteer with ASCS. At the monthly meeting, we talked about the migrant reception system in Italy. Among the various legal insights are the stories of welcoming people our volunteers meet every day at classes and in the life of Scalabrini House 634.
During the month of February with the friends and girlfriends of Casa Scalabrini 634 we celebrated Carnival with dance, color and music, happy/and once again being able to be together and share food and time. Meetings with male and female students at Notre Dame University and classes to talk about human mobility, play “The Game” also continued during the month. Dinners were held with the girls and boys from home and participants from English classes.
A cooking competition organized by the Rotary Club of East Rome, Locanda dei Girasoli and Casa Scalabrini 634 was held at the SS Redentore Canteen, a Scalabrini parish. A nutritionist involved three mixed groups of young people to prepare dinner and reason together about nutrition education and bring them together.
In early February ASCS was invited to speak about its activities during the year 2023 at the annual assembly of the Scalabrinian Missionaries of the Europe-Africa region. It was an important time of discussion and sharing with the fathers working in this region.
Since the beginning of February, we began a permanent presence in Ceuta, in the San Antonio center to support migrant people without a housing solution. Currently, shower service is offered, a necessary service to combat some skin diseases such as scabies. In addition, Davide and Anna, ASCS worker and volunteer on site respectively, have begun collaboration with the Luna Blanca association in preparing the lunch that is distributed to people living on the streets in Ceuta.
Since mid-January, Maison Effatà, in Calais, has been taken over by ASCS volunteers Camilla, Letizia and Tim, taking in migrants in a vulnerable condition.
From February 14-24, our executive director Emanuele Selleri visited the Guatemala City mission and the local Casa del Migrante where as ASCS we are supporting the activities of the Scalabrinian Missionaries. Every day more than 150 men women and children pass through the Migrant House where they receive assistance and guidance on their journey to the North. ASCS has been involved in supporting the project in recent months by sending financial resources through the “Zainetti in Spalla” project funded by the FAI Foundation and the “Una Casa nell’Esodo” project with the support of the Italian-speaking Catholic mission in Bern. In addition, the on-site presence of volunteers who offer a period of their lives in service to the mission continues. Emanuel also visited the missions of Tecun Uman on the Guatemala-Mexico border and San Salvador to evaluate with the Missionaries possible new collaborations.
The activities we have told you about are also carried out through many small gestures that make a difference to us. In this regard, we remind you that in view of the upcoming tax return, you can choose to support ASCS by allocating your 5×1000. Fiscal Code 03133600241
As of recently, ASCS is also on TikTok, follow us [clicca qui]. We also have a Whatsapp channel [clicca qui].
Keep following us on ascs.it to stay updated and to find out how you can support our activities. Thank you!