Every small gesture will make a difference


With your donation we can accompany migrants and refugees toward full personal, professional, housing and economic independence. We do so through housing, psychological support, trainings and meeting with local communities.


Also with your support, we promote the meeting and active participation of migrants, refugees and local communities in inclusion processes. This is done via outreach projects, training, volunteering and service camps in Italy and around the world.


Together we can concretely support Scalabrinian missions around the world through the development and implementation of projects, training and sending workers and volunteers, and collaboration and networking with local partners.

Having you by our side will make the difference. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Some examples of how we will use your donation

More ways to donate

  • Bank Transfer: ASCS – Scalabrinian Agency for Development Cooperation
    IBAN: IT13 Q030 6909 6061 0000 0130 463
  • Post Office Checking Account Details: Post Checking Account 62388863
  • Donate your 5×1000: Tax Code 03133600241

Tax Benefits

We know that this is not your reason for supporting us, but remember that with your donation to ASCS you have tax benefits. You will be able to choose whether to detract or deduct the donated amount.
Contact us to learn more!