
Since January 2023, Scalabrinian Missionaries have been active in Uganda supporting refugees in the urban areas of Kampala and the northern district of Adjumani. In Kampala, in collaboration with local parishes, they offer spiritual and material assistance through native language celebrations, legal and social support, and community projects aimed at creating a network of solidarity and hope. In Adjumani, the Missionaries provide school support, organize English classes for women, offer psychological assistance to those who have suffered trauma, and promote tailoring programs to develop practical skills and generate income.

ASCS supports these activities, ensuring the necessary support, very soon including by sending volunteers/ies to strengthen field interventions.

For the biennium 2024/2025, with the missionary project “Hearts for Uganda, ” the Mission Catholic Italian Language Mission of Bern, in collaboration with ASCS, decided to support the Scalabrinian Mission in Uganda. Join us!

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