Radix Siamo uomini o caporali? A storytelling project surfing the web

From Friday, June 18, “Siamo uomini o caporali?” kicks off. Each episode, on a fortnightly basis, will seek to highlight and raise awareness on a specific aspect related to the phenomenon of gang-mastering. The broader narrative thread will be carried through the narrator’s voice, that of actor Francesco Stella, reporting the stories of all the protagonists and partners contacted in the previous months. The intent is to solicit the key question of who is a man and who, instead, is a ‘caporale’ (meaning both ‘corporal’ and ‘gang-master’ in Italian), echoing Totò’s famous phrase. The cut chosen is a narrative one that seeks to be deliberately empathetic to facilitate and attract listeners’ attention.

The RADIX project

Radix alle radici del problema is a project that offers sustainable alternatives to irregular labor , countering the phenomenon of gang-mastering, the exploitation in agriculture of third-country nationals.

It is funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) 2014-2020 and implemented by a parternship made of Kairos Cooperativa Sociale – in the lead role – AGCI AGRITAL, ASCS – Agenzia Scalabriniana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo, Associazione Centro Astalli, Municipality of Sabaudia, Confagricultura, Confraternita delle Stimmate di Cisterna, CIR – Consiglio Italiano Rifugiati, CNOAS – Consiglio nazionale dell’Ordine degli Assistenti sociali, ENAPRA – National Board for Research and Training in Agriculture, Circeo Solidarity Farm, Progetto Diritti Onlus.


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