No one chooses to end up under a war bombs, regardless of where they live, the color of their skin, whether they are a man, a woman or a child.

As Scalabrinian Missionaries of Europe and Africa, we have always been sensitive to the many conflicts that are still being fought in the world. In our projects and missions, we commit ourselves every day to offer our support to the victims of every human exodus, to the many migrants and refugees fleeing poverty, persecution, war and despair.

Today we want to take action to also support all the people fleeing the war in Ukraine, regardless of their citizenship. Many of them have already arrived on our territory, many will arrive in the coming weeks.

For this reason, as SIMN Europe Africa through ASCS, we are starting #WeCareForUkraine, a fundraising and awareness-raising campaign that wants to give a concrete answer to this dramatic situation that is upsetting the lives of millions of people.


Social Emergency

We collaborate with some local realities that have already activated collections of medical and food products to be sent to Ukraine or to the border countries. We will also donate basic necessities to families and people affected by the war who come to our projects and missions in Europe.

Housing Emergency

We support people and families arriving from Ukraine, some of whom have already been taken in by ASCS projects in Italy. Working in a network with other partners, we want to accompany those in need in their search for housing, also acting as an intermediary between people looking for accommodation and those who want to open their homes to welcome them.

Health Emergency

We promote the physical and psychological health of those who are suffering the consequences of war. With the WASI project, a psychological desk for migrant women, already active for the Ukrainian Community in Milan, we want to increase individual and group meetings with native-speaking psychologists.


In the different Scalabrinian projects and missions in Europe, we are already active with different initiatives in support of the great humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. We want to tell you what we are doing in our realities to face the different emergencies.

Holy Redeemer Church : Italian catholic mission, Portuguese catholic mission, Philippine catholic mission
– Contact with the Religious Conference
– Direct support to #WeCareForUkraine campaign

Catholic mission in Italy with Saint Pierre de Chaillot Church

Italian catholic mission – Rue de Montreuil

Parish of Saint Bernard de la Chapelle

– Communities have already activated collecting basic necessities and supporting #WeCareForUkraine campaign

Comunidad católica de lengua española
– Collection of goods of first necessity
– Fundraising for Caritas Internacional, Renovabis and Asociación Ucrania (Ukrainischen Vereins Frankfurt)

ASCS Milan and Carmel Church
Welcoming families arriving from Ukraine
– Psychological support for people and families arriving from Ukraine, with Wasi Project, which offers individual or group meetings
– Mutual self-help group for the Ukrainian community in Milan with Wasi Project [Read more]
– Collection of basic necessities in support of Ukraine Più Association
– Italian language school for kids and adults [Read more]
– Creative activities and games for kids.

+info: info@ascs.it | +39 02 4547 6033

Parish of Saints Philip and James in St. Augustine

Fundraising for “Caritas Emergenza Ucraina” of Reggina Diocese.

ASCS Rome, Scalabrini House 634 Project.

– Welcoming families arriving from Ukraine
– Collecting basic necessities in support of Medicina solidale and MAM

+info: roma@ascs.it | +39 06 241 1405


We would also like to share contacts from City of Rome for the emergency:
800 93 88 73 | emergenza.ucraina@comune.roma.it

Scalabrinian Community of Amora
Collaborating with Caritas of Setúbal, collecting basic necessities
Scalabrinian Missionaries – Secretariat de Migraciones
– Welcoming migrants from Ukraine in services already activated for migrants and refugees now present in Spain: personal and spiritual support, empowerment labs, job help desk and socio-legal support

Muttenz Mission
– Fundraising for #WeCareForUkraine Campaign

Italian language catholic mission

– Collaborating with the Italian Embassy in Bern, collecting medical and basic necessities for the Ukrainian Embassy
– Fundraising for Caritas Switzerland

Italian language catholic mission and Spanish language catholic mission– Fundraising for Diocese Lenten Campaign

Italian language catholic mission

– Collaborating with Vincentian volunteers, collecting medical and basic necessities
– Fundraising for #WeCareForUkraine Campaign during “Soupe de Carême” (2-3/4/2022) event

Portuguese language catholic mission – Parish of Saint Clotilde

– Contact with the Ukrainian Embassy for UN, collecting basic necessities already sent and arrived in Ukraine in three trucks.

Together we can make a difference. Join us!


PRESS REVIEW (in Italian)